
1918 Dr. Henry Keller, an American orthopedist, visits pre-state Israel as part of a medical delegation to provide medical treatment in response to the region’s healthcare needs.

Original Clinic

1931 Dr. Keller opens a clinic on King George Street in Jerusalem to treat children needing orthopedic services.

Clinci Porch

1934 Dr. Keller sets up a non-profit in New York, called ‘The Society for the Aid of the Cripple in Palestine, Inc.”, later renamed “American Friends of ALYN Hospital”.

Model 1940s

1935 The Hebrew name “ALYN” is created, as an acronym meaning “The Society to Aid Disabled Children” (in Hebrew: Agudah L’Yeladim Nechim).


1948 ALYN treats the wounded during the State of Israel’s War of Independence.

Clinic At 3 Ben Yehuda

Mid-1950’s Amid the polio epidemic, the Ministry of Health repurposes the former San Simon Orthodox monastery for ALYN Hospital, where it treats and educates about 200 children with polio.

Child In Pool

1970s Hydrotherapy is introduced, offering multiple benefits as far stress management, easing joint pain and enhancing range of motion. ALYN is unique in that it is able to provide children using ventilators with hydrotherapy sessions.

Malcom Woldenberg

1971 The ALYN Woldenberg Family Hospital opens in Jerusalem’s Kiryat Yovel neighborhood, funded partly by a generous donation from Malcolm and Dorothy Woldenberg.

Nikita In Respiratory Rehabilitation Department

1979 ALYN treats its first child who is respirator-dependent, leading to today’s world-renowned Respiratory Rehabilitation Department.

Shirley Meyer

1984 Dr. Shirley Meyer is appointed as the first full-time Director General of ALYN Hospital.


2000 First Wheels of Love charity bike ride is held to benefit the children of ALYN Hospital. It was a resounding success, raising over of $67,000.

ILN Single Room 1

2001 ALYN opens the Independent Living Neighborhood (ILN), a residential wing allowing young adults who are ventilator-dependent to live with some independence.

Baby Feeding 2

2004 The Feeding Rehabilitation Clinic opens, supporting families coping with babies and children with feeding issues and thereby improving quality of life.


2004 SHACHAR, ALYN’s Educational Day Care Center, opens its doors.

Boy Feeding Alyna High Res

2005 Animal-Assisted Therapy becomes an official project.

Boy In PT With Medical Clown

2005 Clown Therapy, also known as Humor Therapy, is added to ALYN’s long list of fun therapies, turning treatment into “play” rather than “work”.


2011 Dr. Maurit Beeri becomes Director General of ALYN Hospital, a position she continues to hold.

Child Painting

2014 Art Therapy is added as an additional way for children to express themselves and heal.

Dog Assisted Therapy At ALYN Contributes To The Child's Emotional And Psychological Well Being

2015 Dog-Assisted Therapy is introduced, benefiting children’s mental health while reducing pain and anxiety.

Virtual Reality 2024 A Physiotherapist With A Boy With External Leg Fixations During VR Physiotherapy Treatment 4

2017 ALYNnovation is established to facilitate assistive technology innovation from development to distribution.

Yusuf Feeding Himself With The PELE Feeding Apparatus

2018 PELE (Personalized Equipment Leading to Empowerment) begins creating adaptive equipment for children facing challenges to independence in day-to-day activities.

Motion Analysis Lab 3[2]

2019 ALYN’s Motion Analysis Laboratory opens, the only one in Israel being used for pediatric assessment and clinical planning.

Krieger Garden 444

2019 The Bricks of Love program is launched, allowing donors to honor family, friends and special events in their lives by placing a personalized paver in ALYN Hospital’s garden.

STEM 444x320

2020 AFAH launches Engage in Empathy, a STEM-based program using project-based learning to connect middle-school students to ALYN Hospital.

Feeding Assessment Using VDF In 2021 Closeb

2021 The Feeding Rehabilitation Center adds the Video-Fluoroscopy System used in Swallow Studies.

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2021 The first Wheels of Love: USA ride takes place in Morristown, NJ, drawing 141 riders and raising $121.435.21.

Knockdown Reno

2021 The Respiratory Rehabilitation Department undergoes extensive renovations and upgrades.


2023-2024 ALYN Hospital joins the national war effort by creating adaptive solutions for evacuees, injured soldiers and young adults.