Each spring in Israel, as the Pesach holiday approaches, children in nurseries, kindergartens and schools across the country begin to learn about the holiday and its customs. In ALYN Hospital’s SHACHAR Day Care Center, which treats and educates children with complex medical conditions with the aim of enabling them to eventually transition to mainstream educational frameworks, learning about Pesach becomes a part of therapy. Creating arts and crafts projects like Pesach seder plates and Pesach Haggadot offer an opportunity both to teach the children about the holiday and functions as occupational therapy, helping the children to improve their fine motor skills. Learning how to sing Ma Nishtana – whether vocally or through sign language – becomes an opportunity for the speech therapists to help the children with improving their communications skills. The highlight of these pre-Pesach activities is always the mock Pesach seder, as you can see from the smiles on the faces of these children!

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