Pirkei Avot teaches us that “the world is based on three things - on the Torah, on prayer and upon acts of loving-kindness.” Since October 7, we have been touched by the acts of loving kindness, g’milut chasadim, of local students towards the children of ALYN Hospital. Three local Jewish Day Schools: The Leffell School (White Plains, NY), the Mercaz Academy (Plainview, Long Island), and the Abraham Joshua Heschel School (New York, NY) have undertaken chesed projects to show the children and staff at ALYN that they are keeping them in their hearts.

On Sunday, October 29, The Leffell School held their annual book fair. While at the book fair, students and their families had the opportunity to engage in activities to support organizations in Israel. ALYN Hospital was among the organizations represented. At the ALYN Hospital table, families could not only learn about the amazing work that happens at ALYN, but they could also make cards for the children treated there, sending messages of love and support.
After the events of October 7, the students at the Mercaz Academy wanted to let the children of ALYN Hospital know that they were not alone; that there were children in New York who were sending them good thoughts and prayers for peace. How did they do that? The students participated in a special program with their grandparents and created a beautiful video of them singing Shabbat songs and zmirot, to wish everyone at ALYN Hospital “Shabbat shalom”, in the hope that we will all soon celebrate together a Shabbat of true peace, at home and with our families once again. It was a truly meaningful and inspiring video.
The students’ kindness didn’t end there – at the start of Hannukah, the school sent another video, this time filled with holiday songs and shows of support and gratitude. We are so grateful to know the Mercaz Academy community stands behind the work of ALYN, especially during these difficult times. They brought much-needed light to the children and staff of ALYN Hospital during Hannukah!

The Abraham Joshua Heschel School
On Sunday, November 19, the Lower School of the Heschel School held its annual Chesed Day. ALYN Hospital was chosen as one of the Israel-based organizations to be represented. Together with the Chesed Day volunteers, we came up with a wonderful arts & crafts activity for the children.
Every year, at ALYN Hospital’s charity bike ride, Wheels of Love, the “grand finale” of the ride involves the cyclists riding up the hills of Jerusalem and into ALYN Hospital, where they are greeted by the children who are treated at ALYN. In a heartwarming ceremony, the patients award each rider with a medal. This year, the bike ride was not held in Israel as planned due to the outbreak of the war. In-line with this annual tradition, we decided it would be meaningful to have the Heschel students award the children of ALYN medals instead!
The Heschel students decorated medals for the children of ALYN with beautiful pictures, Hebrew words and heartwarming messages. They are being sent to ALYN Hospital so that this year the children of ALYN will wear the Wheels of Love medals.
Thank you to all of our school communities who have shown steadfast support and solidarity with the children and staff at ALYN Hospital. Knowing you stand with us brings us so much comfort and joy, which is especially appreciated during this difficult time. Todah rabah rabah!
If your school would like to participate in a chesed project for ALYN Hospital, contact Deborah Rivel, deborah@alynus.org.