To our ALYN Family,

For the past 23 years, ALYN has held a charity bike ride every autumn in Israel, Wheels of Love, which has served as one of the major fundraising events benefitting the hospital. We are saddened to share with you that the current situation in Israel has caused us to make a major change to our 2023 Wheels of Love ride. As our primary goal is always to protect the health of our cyclists, staff and volunteers, we could not ride in Israel as planned.

The hospital, the staff and the children at ALYN count on the support from Wheels of Love. Since we are unable to be together in Israel, we are encouraging all members of our community - riders and non-riders alike - to show their support for ALYN through a virtual fundraising event, which we are calling Wheels of Love - I LOVE ALYN, during the week the ride was meant to occur, October 22-29, 2023.

This is a great opportunity to rally friends and family to step up and support ALYN Hospital as we face a growing demand for ALYN’s exceptional services under unprecedented circumstances.  Your generosity and your ability to mobilize your friends and colleagues will go a long way to show your commitment to the children of ALYN Hospital.  It also provides you with a way to support the important work that happens at the hospital through fundraising and raising awareness in your community.

How do you participate? It’s easy – first, there is no registration fee and no fundraising minimum. Register here and we will set up your fundraising page and then you can start reaching out to friends and colleagues to let them know about ALYN’s wonderful work and how appreciated every dollar will be. The best part? 100% of all donations will go to ALYN Hospital.

We hope you will join us for Wheels of Love - I LOVE ALYN. Please let us know how we can support you in your efforts.

With gratitude,
Adam Schwartz
Executive Director
American Friends of ALYN