Among the many cycling teams that participate in Wheels of Love, one stands out: the Swift & Bold. This team is made up of current and former ALYN patients. It was originally the brainchild of one of ALYN Hospital's physiotherapists, who recognized that coordinating a therapeutic bike-riding group of children with physical disabilities would be an ideal way for these children to gain a sense of achievement and self-confidence.
This year, one of the participants was Rei Levin, age 13, who was treated at ALYN for Perthes Disease, a childhood hip disorder caused by a disruption of blood flow to the head of the femur. As a result, the head of the femur bone undergoes necrosis (death of the body tissue) and the shape of it changes. This may end in osteoarthritic pain. Perthes is sometimes treated with surgery to try reverse the damage or at least minimize it.
Rei underwent surgery at the Columbia Orthopedic Surgery Center in New York, under the expert care of Dr. Joshua Hyman. When he returned to Israel, he received rehabilitation services at ALYN, to strengthen the affected leg and work on his hip joint range of motion
When it was time for Rei to be discharged, he was hesitant to leave ALYN’s care, so his therapists suggested that he join the Swift & Bold cycling team to continue his journey to recovery by engaging in a challenging physical activity within the folds of ALYN’s therapeutic model.
Generally, the highlight of the year is when the Swift & Bold team joins up with Wheels of Love bike ride on the final leg of the ride and they lead the hundreds of cyclists down the hill and into ALYN Hospital. This year, we experienced the bonus of having Rei speak AND perform a rousing edition of Am Israel Chai.
The Swift & Bold Team is generously supported by Mrs. Sharon Chefitz in memory of her husband, Joel Chefitz z”l. The family has been a strong supporter of ALYN Hospital for many years. Joel was a Wheels of Love cyclist who was always motivated by the training undertaken by children in the Swift & Bold. In recognition of the value that participation in the Swift & Bold Team brings to its riders, Mrs. Chefitz has graciously agreed to a long-term commitment of support for this inspiring project. Todah rabah!
To highlight that the Wheels of Love world is a small place - Dr. Sharon Eylon, Head of Pediatric Orthopedic Services at ALYN, was able to share something truly amazing with Rei and his family – in 2016, Dr. Hyman had participated in Wheels of Love as well. What a remarkable full-circle moment. Perhaps next year Rei and Dr. Hyman will ride together!
Kol HaKavod to Rei, may he continue from strength to strength and may ALYN Hospital’s Swift & Bold team continue to train and inspire a new generation of Wheels of Love cyclists!